Cheryl Heap



Cheryl’s vibrant work spans illustration, murals, installations and animations. Known for her whimsical creations exuding joy and positivity, she loves creating stories through art and characters not of this world. Versatile in various traditional and digital mediums, her work ranges from the eye-popping forms and colors to silent, thought-provoking reflective pieces while incorporating her love of vintage cartoons, games and comic books.

Born in Malaysia; Cheryl from a young age was always doodling, sketching and putting color on every surface she could find; whether it was paper, walls or her mother’s favourite curtains. She could not resist the allure of a blank surface and her natural inclination was to transform mundane surfaces into vibrant tapestries of creation.

After school, she was whisked away into architecture school in Melbourne. Now with the experience of building some of the world’s most inspiring spaces, her range of work has evolved her as an artist. Whether it’s on paper, canvas, or within the blueprint of a building, Cheryl continues to draw, paint, and create, reminding us all that the pursuit of artistry is a lifelong journey that defies the confines of any one discipline.

Cheryl’s unique style and capabilities lends itself to many commercial applications and has seen her collaborate with a host of global clients over the past decade. Currently based in Cronulla, Sydney, Australia; she consistently welcomes new project ideas and collaborations with enthusiasm.